Early Career Hub – ECH

Date : July 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

At the recent OBHC conference, SHOC’s annual general meeting elected three new Early Career representatives to help develop ideas to support our EC members’ scholarship, growth and development. We wanted to introduce ourselves as those three members who are taking this forward this new venture from within SHOC, which we are tentatively calling the ‘EC Hub’. In order to build a community/hub that will be appreciated and useful to all, we would like to do this with your input and guidance.

Building on the pre-conference workshop organised by Prof. Cathy Pope – and notably the ‘open space’ element of the afternoon session, when members generated a number of ideas of what was important for them – we would like to ask you to reflect on what you would be interested in ‘getting’ from and contributing to this EC Hub. When thinking about what you would like from the EC Hub, consider whether you’re looking for a space for professional networking, mentoring, sharing exciting and meaningful research ideas, collaborating on international and multidisciplinary new projects. You may also consider more ‘unstructured’ elements such as discussing alternate career paths, learning from experiences of other ECs who may be on a different trajectory, or discussions on the future of our respective fields/specialities. In fact, this is just the start of a list and there are countless more ideas that we would like to hear about. Please feel more than welcome to express your wishes as co-designers of this initiative for and by EC members.

We are open to all ideas and suggestions and want to work in an open, transparent and supportive way with you all. We would therefore like to hear from you and would be grateful if you could respond to us by email by answering the following questions:

1. What would you like from the EC Hub?

2. How can that best be achieved for you?

3. Would you like to be involved more?

Thank you for your participation and continued best wishes for your studies, projects and other teaching, research and work assignments.

Many thanks

Elizabeth, Jen and Simon

Simon Moralee
Email: simon.moralee@manchester.ac.uk

Jennifer Gutberg
Email: Jennifer.gutberg@mail.utoronto.ca

Élizabeth Côté-Boileau, MSc
Email: elizabeth.cote-boileau@usherbrooke.ca
