Learned Societies
Academy of Social Sciences
This society is a member of the Academy of Social Sciences in the UK that represents both Learned Societies and individual academicians working in the field of social science http://www.acss.org.uk/
As part of the British Academy of Social Sciences it is able to contribute to wider consultations by government of this grouping of the key learned societies within the UK Social Sciences.
Our intention is also to enable where at all possible the sharing of information about conferences and publications and to encourage local meetings to hear about leading research and practice. These we are endeavouring to capture electronically to ensure they can be available to SHOC members which ever part of the world they are in, because while established in the UK our interests are relentlessly international.
Academy of Management – Health Care Management Division
SHOC has maintained close links with the HCM Division at the Academy over the last five years. This is partly based on cross-membership and on the exchange of research and ideas. In addition, SHOC has co-sponsored several social events at the AOM Annual conference to encourage the interactions between members worldwide.
Key members of SHOC have participated in the EGOS conference over a number of years. This resulted in the formation of a Standing Working Group at EGOS on Public Management. These Standing Working Groups exist for between 4-6 years and convene a stream at each EGOS conference annually. Again this linkage has facilitated the development of international research agendas.
British Academy of Management – Special Interest Group Healthcare Organization and Management/Public Management and Governance
This Special Interest Group covers areas of interest to SHOC members and is an easily accessible group for U.K. members.
Other organizations with associated interests are:
European Academy of Management