Autumn 2020
Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences
Professors Ruth Boaden (Manchester), Damian Hodgson (Sheffield) and Aoife McDermott (Cardiff) have been elected as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences @AcadSocSciences. Many congratulations to them on this recognition of their scholarship, esteem and on-going contributions to SHOC.
Autumn 2019
Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences
Many congratulations to Helen Dickinson @drhdickinson and Davide Nicolini @NicoliniDavide for being awarded Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences @AcadSocSciences
Summer 2019
Spring 2019
Call for presentations for the
SHOC Summer Symposium
with a focus on the development needs of PhD students, Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and Early Career Academics (ECAs)
Monday 8th July 10.00 – 4.30
Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham
Free for SHOC members, PhD students and ECRs
£50 for non-members
Send your 150 word outline by 5pm Monday 27th May to:
Autumn 2018
3rd Rosemary Stewart Memorial Lecture, Thur 8 Nov, 5.00-6.30pm, Said Business School, Oxford @OxfordSBS. Maja Korica & Davide Nicolini @WarwickBSchool “Managing in a glass cage: the work of NHS CEOs, then and now”
SHOC is calling on its members to make nominations for Fellows of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences @AcadSocSciences . Please email your nomination to Mark Exworthy (Chair) by 5 Nov. Details:
Conferment of Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences @AcadSocSciences to Professors Graeme Currie @warwickbschool Sue Dopson @OxfordSBS and Trish Reay @trish_reay @UAlbertaBiz Congratulations.
Elizabeth West is remembered by Jane Banaszak Holl.
Spring 2018
Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences
SHOC is pleased to announce that Professor Paula Hyde and Professor Kathleen Montgomery have been elected Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences. Many congratulations on this prestigious recognition.
SHOC has issued a call for the next round of nominations of Fellows of AcSS. Please send suggestions to Mark Exworthy by Friday 11 May 2018.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of SHOC will be held at the OBHC Conference in Montreal, 13-16 May 2018: See Agenda
Nominations are sought for:
Trustees: One new Trustee.
Executive Committee: Two new members (ordinary member and PhD/Early Career member) are sought.
Elections will take place at the AGM (at the OBHC Conference).
Spring 2017
The 2017 AGM to be held at Said Business School, Oxford on 19 June at 1100 – Agenda
New SHOC Monograph Series: Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare
Call for Expressions of Interests & Proposals
The Palgrave Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare monograph series has published highly successful monographs following the bi-annual OBHC conference, with the theme and papers draw from the conference. Given the growth of scholarly and policy interest in healthcare organization and management, the monograph is now to be extended to include additional edited collections and single-authored books that apply cutting edge social science theories and methods to priority topics in the fields of health policy, organization and management. The extended monography series will provide an opportunity for established and early career scholars to propose research monographs and edited collections on prominent themes and debates in the study of healthcare organization and management.
Outline proposals to series editors by end of August 2017
The series is edited by Prof. Jean-Louis Denis (Université de Montréal: and Prof. Justin Waring (University of Nottingham:
Further reading is available here.
Winter 2016
The 2017 AGM will be held on Monday 19 June at 1100 at Said Business School, Oxford. Further details will shortly be made available.
Conferences in 2017
European Group on Organization Studies
The next EGOS conference (6-8 July 2017) has a sub theme on ‘Organizations and organizing in a welfare state context’. The deadline for short paper submissions is January 9:
Novo Network
The Novo-symposium is in Gothenburg on 9-10 November 2017.
UK Social Policy Association:
50th Anniversary Conference: Social Inequalities: Research, Theory, and Policy
Durham University, Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th July, 2017
Submit an Abstract or Proposal for a Symposium: Please note that this year, once again, we will be using the Easychair conference system for abstract submissions. The Easychair website for the SPA 2017 conference is where you will be asked to register with a valid email address and a password. The final deadline for submissions will be Tuesday 28th February 2017. Keynote speakers to include Wolfgang Streeck and Saskia Sassen.
One day workshop: Social Networks and the Organisation of Health Care. 20 January 20th 2017. Greenwich University, London, UK
• The purpose of the workshop is to introduce some key concepts that can be used to understand patterns of relationships between individual or organisations. Key concepts covered will include: density, centrality, brokerage and closure. Most of the examples will be drawn from health, but the ideas can be used to study any social context.
• The course will be led by Dr Francesca Pallotti from the Department of International Business and Economics and Professor Elizabeth West from the Department of Family Care and Mental Health. The workshop is offered as part of the CBNA Analytical Software Winter School 2017 which offers a range of courses on social network analysis. For further information about the workshop and the Winter School, including booking information, please visit:
Health Services Research UK
Symposium: 6 -7 July 2017 (Nottingham, UK)
Call for abstracts and registration opening early December.
2016 presentations can be viewed at:
Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty
The 12th Annual Ethnography Symposium University of Manchester: 30th August – 1st September 2017
Please submit a 500 word abstract or proposal by Tuesday 28th February 2017 to Decisions on acceptance will be made by 30th March 2017.
Professor Emma Crewe (SOAS, University of London); Professor Bruno Latour (Sciences Po); Professor Bill Maurer (University of California, Irvine); Professor Hugh Willmott (CASS Business School, London)
Stream 2: Organisational Ethnographies of Health and Care
Convenors: Damian Hodgson, Paula Hyde, Simon Bailey, Adam Brisley and Kath Checkland
Topics of particular interest include;
*Temporalities and spatialities of health and healthcare *Bodies and beyond, organising health and un-health.
*Boundary work at the interstices of communities; between professionals and patients, clinicians and managers, market and public sector.
*The making of healthcare worlds; transnational knowledge, national institutions, local practices *Complicity, compromise and critical performativity in applied health research.
Please submit a 500 word abstract or proposal by Tuesday 28th February 2017 to Decisions on acceptance will be made by 30th March 2017.
New Appointments
Helen Dickinson just left the University of Melbourne for the University of New South Wales, Canberra and am in the process of establishing the Centre for Public Service Research, an interdisciplinary research group with a focus on research into public services
Michael Fischer has left the University of Melbourne and taken up the role of Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Leadership at Australian Catholic University (ACU).
Jill Schofield has taken up a new post as Head of the School of Economics, Finance and Management at the University of Bristol
Congratulations to Professor Cathy Pope
Cathy Pope (medical sociologist at the University of Southampton and PhD Development Officer of SHOC) has been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Science. Further information.
Cathy is a leading interdisciplinary champion of social science across the full range of health care professionals, with a particular interest in web science. Professor Pope is a current member of the Academy’s Council.

Summer 2016
Contents in this Bulletin
1. New book emanating from OHBC 2014 conference
2. Conference report from 10th OBHC conference in Cardiff
3. Announcement of 11th OHBC conference (2018) in Montreal
4. SHOC Committee Changes
5. Nominations to Academy of Social Sciences
6. Next e-Bulletin
1. New book emanating from OHBC 2014 conference
Boch Waldorff, S (ed.), Reff Pedersen, A (ed.), Fitzgerald, L & Ferlie, E (ed.) 2015, Managing Change – From Health Policy to Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
An edited collection of papers from the OBHC 2014 conference in Copenhagen is now available:
“Managing Change is about implementing health care reforms, policies and programs into everyday practices. The book explores organizational change in health care as influenced by contemporary policy and management concepts, and presents and applies theoretical perspectives.”
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (14 Oct. 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1137518154
ISBN-13: 978-1137518156

2. Conference report from 10th OBHC conference in Cardiff
• In April 2016, the 10th OBHC conference was held at Cardiff Business School. Professor Martin Kitchener, Dr. Aoife McDermott, and the whole team delivered a highly successful conference. The conference was a wonderful demonstration of the vibrancy and vitality of our community of practice. It was also a real showcase of the City of Cardiff, ancient and modern, with the conference itself held in the fabulous new premises of the Business School and social events in the splendour of Cardiff Castle and dinner in the National Museum.
• A summary of the 10th OBHC conference:
18 countries represented
52 reviewers of conference papers
86 sessions
35 participants in the pre-conference event for PhD and early career researchers
15 Health Foundation bursaries for PhD and early career researchers. The calibre was so high, Cardiff Business School made provision for support of a further 9 individuals
5 symposia, the first time these were included in the programme
3 keynotes speakers:
• Mark Drakeford, Minister for Health and Social Services in the Welsh government
• Professor Steve Shortell, University of Berkeley, USA
• Professor Louise Fitzgerald, Oxford University / De Montfort University
• An innovation of this year’s conference was the pre-conference workshop for PhD students and early career researchers. By giving a focus to this research, the workshop not only aims to enhance the rigour of the research but foster a new community of researchers.
• The conference recognised the enormous contribution to SHOC by Professor Lorna McKee over many years.
• Awards were given to the following:
Best papers by an Early Career Researcher:
• Comfort Adeosun (University of Aberdeen), with McKee L.,Homans H. & Rae R. “Stakeholder involvement and service user’s acceptance in the implementation of new practice guideline”
• Joy Furnival *University of Manchester), with Walshe K. & Boaden R. “Emerging hybridity: A comparative analysis of regulatory arrangements in the four countries of the United Kingdom”
Highly Commended PhD paper:
• Dori Cross (University of Michigan). “Contextual factors influencing success of primary care teams: A scoping review”
Highly commended papers:
• Julie E. Reed (Imperial College, London) and Heather C. Kaplan (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital). “Qualitative exploration of context using the Model for Understanding Success in Quality (MUSIQ)”
• Gerry McGivern (Warwick Business School), Michael Fischer (University of Melbourne), Justin Waring (University of Nottingham), Tomas Palaima (Vilnius University), Zoey Spendlove (Warwick Business School), Oliver Thomson (British School of Osteopathy) and Tina Kiefer (Warwick Business School). “Improving health care through relational regulation: The case of UK osteopathy.”
Best paper:
• Justin Waring and Amanda Crompton (University of Nottingham). “A movement for improvement? Leading and framing the implementation of collaborative change.”
3. Announcement of 11th OBHC conference (2018) in Montreal
The 11th OBHC conference will be held in the spring of 2018 in Montreal, Canada. The conference theme will be:
Coordinating Care Across Boundaries and Borders: Systems, Networks and Collaborations
The conference will be hosted by the Department of Family Medicine and the Centre for Medical Education at McGill University, in partnership with HEC Montreal of the University of Montreal (Montreal Business School: École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal) and the National University of Public Administration, University of Quebec (École nationale de l’administration publique, ENAP). The conference will be held at McGill University’s beautiful and historic campus in the heart of Montreal.
Further details will be available shortly.
4. SHOC Committee changes
At the 10th OBHC conference, a number of changes were made to the SHOC committee:
Mark Exworthy was elected as Secretary, replacing Paula Hyde
Thanks to those who have served SHOC in various capacities.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the Society’s work. We are especially keen to get input from Early Career Researchers and doctoral students. Please contact Mark Exworthy (
5. Call for nominations fo Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS)
The SHOC AcSS Nominations Panel is making a call for nominations from the membership for the award of the Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of which SHOC is a constituent member as a Learned Society. SHOC has a standard procedure for the nomination of such Fellows to ensure transparency and due process. We notify all members via our News Bulletin for nominations. Those forthcoming are then discussed by SHOC’s AcSS nominations panel, which is a sub-group of SHOC officers, which includes at least one existing Fellow. Finally, nomination papers are then prepared for forwarding to AcSS and later decision by their nominations panel.
Please forward any nominations with a letter of support to Professor Sue Dopson ( ), chair of SHOC’s nomination panel. As the AcSS clarifies, the “paramount requirement for successful nomination is evidence of eminence and impact of the nominee’s contribution to social science”. There should be a proposer and a seconder and the nominee should have consented to have been put forward.
Full details of the ACSS’ criteria, process and timetable for considering nominations is available at
6. Contribute to the next Bulletin:
We plan to issue the next Bulletin in autumn/winter 2016. So, if you have any news about doctoral awards, new appointments, events or new publications, please email SHOC Secretary, Mark Exworthy (
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